Doctor Visit
GP Visit€60Return within 2 weeks for same issue €35GP Consultation with Blood tests€70Nurse Consultation€40for blood tests, dressings,Suturing, Minor Surgery, Cryotherapy€100-€150Cryotherapy starts at €60, Suturing at €100, Minor Surgery from €100-€150 depending on procedureVaccines
Basic Travel Vaccine Pack€125Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Diphtheria and Tetanus, GP consult, and Nurse administration. Polio €20 supplementTyphoid Vaccine Booster€55Hepatitis B Vaccine€50course of 3 Doses in total neededVaricella/Chicken Pox€80course of 2 vaccines needed, €160 totalWomen’s Health
Mirena Insertion€270this involves 3 visits, pre, procedure and post insertion checkImplanon Insertion€100Implanon Removal€150Other Services
24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitor€100includes fitting of monitor, and analysis by GP on removal.STI Screening€100Medical Card Holder cost for STI Screening is €15Meningitis B Vaccine€1402 vaccines required, €280 total
If you do not see what you are looking for here, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please be aware that certain procedures are covered by Private Health Insurance. Procedures such as Suturing, Cryotherapy, or Minor Surgery (such as ingrown toenail surgery) may be covered by your policy. You should check with your policy provider beforehand to ensure you are covered. Certain insurers require you to pay Lusk Medical Centre for the procedure, and you will be reimbursed by your insurer. For other policies you simply complete a form at Lusk Medical Centre, and we will deal directly with the insurance company for payment.
We work with the following health insurance providers: VHI, Laya and also Irish Life